jueves, 14 de marzo de 2024

CAE 3 Speaking Test for the First period

CAE Speaking Test for the First Period

Part 1: Page 53

Part 2: Page 77

Part 3: Page 60

Part 4: Page 64

Sample Video of a CAE Speaking Test

Assessment Rubric for the Speaking Test

jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2023

FCE Speaking Test Part 4 for the Second Period Exam

FCE Speaking Test Part 4 for the Second Period Exam


What are the advantages and disadvantages of having lots of leisure time?

How important do you think it is to have hobbies and interests in your free time?

Do you think it is necessary to spend money in order to relax and have a good time? (Why? / Why not?)

Which hobby or interest would you most like to take up? (Why?)

Which leisure activities do you think are becoming more popular these days? (Why?)

Do you think people these days read fewer books than previous generations did? (Why? / Why not?)


Link for Speaking Cards on Wordwall:


MAY, Peter (2012) Speaking First Part in Compact First. 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press: Dubai. Page 36.

jueves, 18 de mayo de 2023

Starter 2 Second Period Speaking Test (Units 9 and 10 in Empower Starter A1)

Starter 2 Second-Period Speaking Exam Guide corresponding to the units 9 and 10 in the Textbook of Empower Starter A1

1.- Ask a classmate about something he or she ate yesterday, e. g., ‘What did you eat yesterday?’ – ‘I ate pizza.’

2.- Ask a classmate about something he or she drank yesterday, e. g., ‘What did you drink yesterday?’ – 'I drank coffee.'

3.- Ask a classmate if he or she watched TV yesterday, e. g., ‘Did you watch TV yesterday’ – ‘Yes, I did.’

4.- Ask a classmate if he or she arrived late at school yesterday, e. g., ‘Did you arrive late at school yesterday?’ – ‘No, I didn’t.’

5.- Ask a classmate what he or she did last weekend, e. g., ‘What did you do last weekend?’ – ‘I visited my grandmother last weekend.’

6.- Ask a classmate how he or she celebrated New Year, e. g., 'How did you celebrate New Year?' - 'I had dinner with family at home.'

7.- Ask a classmate what he or her favourite season is and why, e. g., 'What's favourite season and why?' - 'It's spring because the flowers blossom.'

8.- Ask a classmate what is the season when it snows, e. g., 'What is the season when it snows?' - 'It's winter.'

9.- Ask a classmate what is the season the tree leaves turn yellow, e. g., 'What is the season the tree leaves turn yellow?' - 'It's autumn.'

10.- Ask a classmate to tell you something he or she didn't do last night, e. g., 'What didn't you do last night?' - 'I didn't clean my house.'

11.- Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she came to school, e. g., 'How did you come to school?' - 'I came to school by car.'

12.- Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she usually goes home, e. g., 'How do you usually go home?' - 'I usually go home by bus.'

13.- Ask a classmate to tell you how his or her best school friend came, e. g., 'How did your best school friend come?' - 'He came in a taxi.'

14.- Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she celebrated Halloween, e. g., 'How did you celebrate Halloween?' - 'I wore a costume and asked for sweets in my borough.'

15.- Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she celebrated Christmas, e. g., 'How did you celebrate Christmas?' - 'I travelled to Tabasco to have dinner with my family.'

16.- Ask a classmate what his or her mother is doing at the moment, e. g., 'What is your mother doing at the moment?' - 'She's cooking at the moment.'

17.- Ask a classmate what his or her father is doing at the moment, e. g., 'What is your father doing?' - 'He's working at the moment.'

18.- Ask a classmate what he or she is doing tonight, e. g., 'What are you doing tonight?' - 'I'm studying for tomorrow's exam.'

19.- Ask a classmate what he or she is doing this weekend, e. g., 'What are you doing this weekend?' - 'I'm going to a pub this weekend.'

20.- Ask a classmate what he or she is doing these coming holidays, e. g., 'What are you doing these coming holidays?' - 'I'm travelling to Prague.'

Link for the speaking cards on Wordwall: https://wordwall.net/es/resource/56710915

Written by Teacher Elmer for Starter 2 Course for the Foreign Language Centre at La Salle University of Cancun on the 18th of May 2023 in Cancun, Mexico.

miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2023

Starter 2 second-period speaking exam guide corresponding to the Units 7 and 9 in the textbook of Empower Starter A1

Starter 2 Second-Period Speaking Exam Guide corresponding to Units 8 and 9 in the Textbook of Empower Starter A1

1.- Ask a classmate about something he or she did yesterday, e. g., ‘Tell me an activity you did yesterday’ or ‘What did you do yesterday?’ – ‘I went to Las Americas mall.’

2.- Ask a classmate about something he or she did last night, e. g., ‘What did you do last night?’ – ‘I had dinner out with my wife.'

3.- Ask a classmate where he or she was last night, e.g., ‘Where were you last night?’ – ‘I was at home.’

4.- Ask a classmate where he or she was yesterday morning, e.g., ‘Where were you yesterday morning?’ – ‘I was at school’.

5.- Ask a classmate where he or she was yesterday afternoon, e.g., ‘Where were you yesterday afternoon?’ – ‘I was at work.’

6.- Ask a classmate about something he or she ate yesterday, e. g., ‘What did you eat yesterday?’ – ‘I ate pizza.’

7.- Ask a classmate about something he or she drank yesterday, e. g., ‘What did you drink yesterday?’ – 'I drank coffee.'

8.- Ask a classmate if he or she watched TV yesterday, e. g., ‘Did you watch TV yesterday’ – ‘Yes, I did.’

9.- Ask a classmate if he or she arrived late at school yesterday, e. g., ‘Did you arrive late at school yesterday?’ – ‘No, I didn’t.’

10.- Ask a classmate what he or she did last weekend, e. g., ‘What did you do last weekend?’ – ‘I visited my grandmother last weekend.’

11.- Ask a classmate how he or she celebrated New Year, e. g., 'How did you celebrate New Year?' - 'I had dinner with family at home.'

12.- Ask a classmate what he or her favourite season is and why, e. g., 'What's favourite season and why?' - 'It's spring because the flowers blossom.'

13.- Ask a classmate what is the season when it snows, e. g., 'What is the season when it snows?' - 'It's winter.'

14.- Ask a classmate what is the season the tree leaves turn yellow, e. g., 'What is the season when the tree leaves turn yellow?' - 'It's autumn.'

15.- Ask a classmate to tell you something he or she didn't do last night, e. g., 'What didn't you do last night?' - 'I didn't clean my house.'

16.- Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she came to school, e. g., 'How did you come to school?' - 'I came to school by car.'

17.- Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she usually goes home, e. g., 'How do you usually go home?' - 'I usually go home by bus.'

18.- Ask a classmate to tell you how his or her best school friend came, e. g., 'How did your best school friend come?' - 'He came in a taxi.'

19.- Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she celebrated Halloween, e. g., 'How did you celebrate Halloween?' - 'I wore a costume and asked for sweets in my borough.'

20.- Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she celebrated Christmas, e. g., 'How did you celebrate Christmas?' - 'I travelled to Tabasco to have dinner with my family.'

Link for the Speaking Cards on Wordwall: https://wordwall.net/es/resource/56662108

Written by Teacher Elmer for Starter 2 Course for the Foreign Language Centre at La Salle University of Cancun on the 17th of May 2023 in Cancun, Mexico.

martes, 16 de mayo de 2023

KET 1 Second Period Speaking Test

KET 1 Second Period Speaking Test

1.- Do you like cooking and why?

No, I don't like cooking because it takes too much time.

2.- Do you eat in the school canteen and why?

Yes, I do because I don't have time to eat somewhere else.

3.- Do you like going to restaurants and why?

Yes, I do because I love it.

4.- Do you like fast food and why?

Yes, I do because fast food is cheap and ready-to-eat.

5.- Do you like strawberries and why?

Yes, I do because they taste so good.

6.- Say what your favourite food is and at least three ingredients of it.

It's the Sandwichon and it has ham, cheese and bread.

7.- What do you usually have for breakfast?

I usually have eggs, bread and coffee for breakfast.

8.- What do you usually have for lunch?

I usually have chicken, pasta and salad for lunch.

9.- What do you usually have for dinner?

I usually have a sandwich and some fruit for dinner.

10.- Say one thing there is in your bedroom.

There is a bed in my bedroom.

11.- Say one thing there isn't in your bedroom.

There isn't a couch in my bedroom.

12.- Say one thing there is in your kitchen.

There is a cupboard in my kitchen.

13.- Say one thing there isn't in your kitchen.

There isn't a table in my kitchen.

14.- Say one thing there is in your bathroom.

There is a mirror in my bathroom.

15.- Say one thing there isn't in your bathroom.

There isn't a sofa in my bathroom.

16.- Say something you have to do at school.

I'm have to read books.

17.- Say something you have to do at home.

I have to take my dog for her walk.

18.- Say something you don't have to do at school.

I don't have to wear a uniform.

19.- Say something you don't have to do at home.

I don't have to dust the furniture.

20.- Say what your favourite restaurant is and what you like most from there.

It's Sanborns and I like most the Tlalpeño broth.

21.- What are you doing tonight?

I'm watching a series on Netflix.

22.- What are you doing this weekend?

I'm going to Las Americas mall.

23.- What are you doing tomorrow morning?

I'm coming to school.

24.-What is your mother doing at the moment?

She's cooking.

25.- What is your father doing right now?

He's working.

26.- What are you wearing?

I'm wearing a black shirt, gray trousers and black shoes.

Speaking cards on Wordwall on https://wordwall.net/es/resource/56605436

Written by Teacher Elmer Santana for the KET 1 Course at the Foreign Language Centre at La Salle University of Cancun on the 16th of May 2023.

jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023

CAE 1.- A festival presentation

A Festival Presentation


Create a Festival Presentation in Powerpoint including the following points:

A) a mock page with the festival name and the student’s identity information

B) the content focused on: the presentation aim, general festival information, historical festival information, what people think about it and recommendations.

C) a festival video link on Youtube or another website

C) sources


Format of Delivery: a Powerpoint Presentation

Length: Maximum four slides


Written by Teacher Elmer Santana for the CAE 1 Course of the Foreign Language Centre at La Salle University of Cancun, on the 23rd of March in Cancun, Mexico.

CAE 3 Speaking Test for the First period

CAE Speaking Test for the First Period Part 1: Page 53 Part 2: Page 77 Part 3: Page 60 Part 4: Page 64 Sample Video of a CAE Speaking Test A...