martes, 16 de mayo de 2023

KET 1 Second Period Speaking Test

KET 1 Second Period Speaking Test

1.- Do you like cooking and why?

No, I don't like cooking because it takes too much time.

2.- Do you eat in the school canteen and why?

Yes, I do because I don't have time to eat somewhere else.

3.- Do you like going to restaurants and why?

Yes, I do because I love it.

4.- Do you like fast food and why?

Yes, I do because fast food is cheap and ready-to-eat.

5.- Do you like strawberries and why?

Yes, I do because they taste so good.

6.- Say what your favourite food is and at least three ingredients of it.

It's the Sandwichon and it has ham, cheese and bread.

7.- What do you usually have for breakfast?

I usually have eggs, bread and coffee for breakfast.

8.- What do you usually have for lunch?

I usually have chicken, pasta and salad for lunch.

9.- What do you usually have for dinner?

I usually have a sandwich and some fruit for dinner.

10.- Say one thing there is in your bedroom.

There is a bed in my bedroom.

11.- Say one thing there isn't in your bedroom.

There isn't a couch in my bedroom.

12.- Say one thing there is in your kitchen.

There is a cupboard in my kitchen.

13.- Say one thing there isn't in your kitchen.

There isn't a table in my kitchen.

14.- Say one thing there is in your bathroom.

There is a mirror in my bathroom.

15.- Say one thing there isn't in your bathroom.

There isn't a sofa in my bathroom.

16.- Say something you have to do at school.

I'm have to read books.

17.- Say something you have to do at home.

I have to take my dog for her walk.

18.- Say something you don't have to do at school.

I don't have to wear a uniform.

19.- Say something you don't have to do at home.

I don't have to dust the furniture.

20.- Say what your favourite restaurant is and what you like most from there.

It's Sanborns and I like most the Tlalpeño broth.

21.- What are you doing tonight?

I'm watching a series on Netflix.

22.- What are you doing this weekend?

I'm going to Las Americas mall.

23.- What are you doing tomorrow morning?

I'm coming to school.

24.-What is your mother doing at the moment?

She's cooking.

25.- What is your father doing right now?

He's working.

26.- What are you wearing?

I'm wearing a black shirt, gray trousers and black shoes.

Speaking cards on Wordwall on

Written by Teacher Elmer Santana for the KET 1 Course at the Foreign Language Centre at La Salle University of Cancun on the 16th of May 2023.

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