jueves, 18 de mayo de 2023

Starter 2 Second Period Speaking Test (Units 9 and 10 in Empower Starter A1)

Starter 2 Second-Period Speaking Exam Guide corresponding to the units 9 and 10 in the Textbook of Empower Starter A1

1.- Ask a classmate about something he or she ate yesterday, e. g., ‘What did you eat yesterday?’ – ‘I ate pizza.’

2.- Ask a classmate about something he or she drank yesterday, e. g., ‘What did you drink yesterday?’ – 'I drank coffee.'

3.- Ask a classmate if he or she watched TV yesterday, e. g., ‘Did you watch TV yesterday’ – ‘Yes, I did.’

4.- Ask a classmate if he or she arrived late at school yesterday, e. g., ‘Did you arrive late at school yesterday?’ – ‘No, I didn’t.’

5.- Ask a classmate what he or she did last weekend, e. g., ‘What did you do last weekend?’ – ‘I visited my grandmother last weekend.’

6.- Ask a classmate how he or she celebrated New Year, e. g., 'How did you celebrate New Year?' - 'I had dinner with family at home.'

7.- Ask a classmate what he or her favourite season is and why, e. g., 'What's favourite season and why?' - 'It's spring because the flowers blossom.'

8.- Ask a classmate what is the season when it snows, e. g., 'What is the season when it snows?' - 'It's winter.'

9.- Ask a classmate what is the season the tree leaves turn yellow, e. g., 'What is the season the tree leaves turn yellow?' - 'It's autumn.'

10.- Ask a classmate to tell you something he or she didn't do last night, e. g., 'What didn't you do last night?' - 'I didn't clean my house.'

11.- Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she came to school, e. g., 'How did you come to school?' - 'I came to school by car.'

12.- Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she usually goes home, e. g., 'How do you usually go home?' - 'I usually go home by bus.'

13.- Ask a classmate to tell you how his or her best school friend came, e. g., 'How did your best school friend come?' - 'He came in a taxi.'

14.- Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she celebrated Halloween, e. g., 'How did you celebrate Halloween?' - 'I wore a costume and asked for sweets in my borough.'

15.- Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she celebrated Christmas, e. g., 'How did you celebrate Christmas?' - 'I travelled to Tabasco to have dinner with my family.'

16.- Ask a classmate what his or her mother is doing at the moment, e. g., 'What is your mother doing at the moment?' - 'She's cooking at the moment.'

17.- Ask a classmate what his or her father is doing at the moment, e. g., 'What is your father doing?' - 'He's working at the moment.'

18.- Ask a classmate what he or she is doing tonight, e. g., 'What are you doing tonight?' - 'I'm studying for tomorrow's exam.'

19.- Ask a classmate what he or she is doing this weekend, e. g., 'What are you doing this weekend?' - 'I'm going to a pub this weekend.'

20.- Ask a classmate what he or she is doing these coming holidays, e. g., 'What are you doing these coming holidays?' - 'I'm travelling to Prague.'

Link for the speaking cards on Wordwall: https://wordwall.net/es/resource/56710915

Written by Teacher Elmer for Starter 2 Course for the Foreign Language Centre at La Salle University of Cancun on the 18th of May 2023 in Cancun, Mexico.

miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2023

Starter 2 second-period speaking exam guide corresponding to the Units 7 and 9 in the textbook of Empower Starter A1

Starter 2 Second-Period Speaking Exam Guide corresponding to Units 8 and 9 in the Textbook of Empower Starter A1

1.- Ask a classmate about something he or she did yesterday, e. g., ‘Tell me an activity you did yesterday’ or ‘What did you do yesterday?’ – ‘I went to Las Americas mall.’

2.- Ask a classmate about something he or she did last night, e. g., ‘What did you do last night?’ – ‘I had dinner out with my wife.'

3.- Ask a classmate where he or she was last night, e.g., ‘Where were you last night?’ – ‘I was at home.’

4.- Ask a classmate where he or she was yesterday morning, e.g., ‘Where were you yesterday morning?’ – ‘I was at school’.

5.- Ask a classmate where he or she was yesterday afternoon, e.g., ‘Where were you yesterday afternoon?’ – ‘I was at work.’

6.- Ask a classmate about something he or she ate yesterday, e. g., ‘What did you eat yesterday?’ – ‘I ate pizza.’

7.- Ask a classmate about something he or she drank yesterday, e. g., ‘What did you drink yesterday?’ – 'I drank coffee.'

8.- Ask a classmate if he or she watched TV yesterday, e. g., ‘Did you watch TV yesterday’ – ‘Yes, I did.’

9.- Ask a classmate if he or she arrived late at school yesterday, e. g., ‘Did you arrive late at school yesterday?’ – ‘No, I didn’t.’

10.- Ask a classmate what he or she did last weekend, e. g., ‘What did you do last weekend?’ – ‘I visited my grandmother last weekend.’

11.- Ask a classmate how he or she celebrated New Year, e. g., 'How did you celebrate New Year?' - 'I had dinner with family at home.'

12.- Ask a classmate what he or her favourite season is and why, e. g., 'What's favourite season and why?' - 'It's spring because the flowers blossom.'

13.- Ask a classmate what is the season when it snows, e. g., 'What is the season when it snows?' - 'It's winter.'

14.- Ask a classmate what is the season the tree leaves turn yellow, e. g., 'What is the season when the tree leaves turn yellow?' - 'It's autumn.'

15.- Ask a classmate to tell you something he or she didn't do last night, e. g., 'What didn't you do last night?' - 'I didn't clean my house.'

16.- Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she came to school, e. g., 'How did you come to school?' - 'I came to school by car.'

17.- Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she usually goes home, e. g., 'How do you usually go home?' - 'I usually go home by bus.'

18.- Ask a classmate to tell you how his or her best school friend came, e. g., 'How did your best school friend come?' - 'He came in a taxi.'

19.- Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she celebrated Halloween, e. g., 'How did you celebrate Halloween?' - 'I wore a costume and asked for sweets in my borough.'

20.- Ask a classmate to tell you how he or she celebrated Christmas, e. g., 'How did you celebrate Christmas?' - 'I travelled to Tabasco to have dinner with my family.'

Link for the Speaking Cards on Wordwall: https://wordwall.net/es/resource/56662108

Written by Teacher Elmer for Starter 2 Course for the Foreign Language Centre at La Salle University of Cancun on the 17th of May 2023 in Cancun, Mexico.

martes, 16 de mayo de 2023

KET 1 Second Period Speaking Test

KET 1 Second Period Speaking Test

1.- Do you like cooking and why?

No, I don't like cooking because it takes too much time.

2.- Do you eat in the school canteen and why?

Yes, I do because I don't have time to eat somewhere else.

3.- Do you like going to restaurants and why?

Yes, I do because I love it.

4.- Do you like fast food and why?

Yes, I do because fast food is cheap and ready-to-eat.

5.- Do you like strawberries and why?

Yes, I do because they taste so good.

6.- Say what your favourite food is and at least three ingredients of it.

It's the Sandwichon and it has ham, cheese and bread.

7.- What do you usually have for breakfast?

I usually have eggs, bread and coffee for breakfast.

8.- What do you usually have for lunch?

I usually have chicken, pasta and salad for lunch.

9.- What do you usually have for dinner?

I usually have a sandwich and some fruit for dinner.

10.- Say one thing there is in your bedroom.

There is a bed in my bedroom.

11.- Say one thing there isn't in your bedroom.

There isn't a couch in my bedroom.

12.- Say one thing there is in your kitchen.

There is a cupboard in my kitchen.

13.- Say one thing there isn't in your kitchen.

There isn't a table in my kitchen.

14.- Say one thing there is in your bathroom.

There is a mirror in my bathroom.

15.- Say one thing there isn't in your bathroom.

There isn't a sofa in my bathroom.

16.- Say something you have to do at school.

I'm have to read books.

17.- Say something you have to do at home.

I have to take my dog for her walk.

18.- Say something you don't have to do at school.

I don't have to wear a uniform.

19.- Say something you don't have to do at home.

I don't have to dust the furniture.

20.- Say what your favourite restaurant is and what you like most from there.

It's Sanborns and I like most the Tlalpeño broth.

21.- What are you doing tonight?

I'm watching a series on Netflix.

22.- What are you doing this weekend?

I'm going to Las Americas mall.

23.- What are you doing tomorrow morning?

I'm coming to school.

24.-What is your mother doing at the moment?

She's cooking.

25.- What is your father doing right now?

He's working.

26.- What are you wearing?

I'm wearing a black shirt, gray trousers and black shoes.

Speaking cards on Wordwall on https://wordwall.net/es/resource/56605436

Written by Teacher Elmer Santana for the KET 1 Course at the Foreign Language Centre at La Salle University of Cancun on the 16th of May 2023.

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